Saturday, August 9, 2014

20 things you might want to think about doing today

I've been saying it for some time now. I'm going to start blogging more frequently. Sure I am!

But yeah, I'm still saying it, and maybe I'll start doing it. And you know, I think the nature of the blog, the content, is going to take a drastic turn. It's going to be much less the pontificating Christian blog. The content is going to broaden, the posts will likely be brief shares on a variety of themes.

Bottom line, I want it to be a place that collects and investigates material on a few key themes that interest me greatly. Local and regional American history, geography, music, poetry, and yes, still, some occasional faith stuff.

I'll string together a series of posts in the next week or two that will kind of introduce these themes. For now here's a list of of twenty suggestions in answer to the question, what should I do today?
  1. Get some walking in.
  2. Pray.
  3. Generally make yourself useful.
  4. Learn something.
  5. Plan a project.
  6. Don't avoid difficulties.
  7. Take care of your body.
  8. Pet a dog.
  9. Listen to some jazz music maybe.
  10. Don't be mean.
  11. Don't mope.
  12. Watch out for bitterness and resentment.
  13. Nourish joy.
  14. Have a conversation.
  15. Consider the possibility that you might be wrong about something.
  16. Take another walk.
  17. Sing.
  18. Call Mom.
  19. Always be taking note of the birds.
  20. Keep praying.

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