Monday, March 18, 2019

3 things

This article in Christianity Today about Richard Mouw's new book includes this little nugget:
Mouw espouses an ethic of “convicted civility,” and the book models his resolute charity—his insistence on framing disagreements in the fairest possible terms. Instead of lobbing arguments at ideological enemies online, he cultivates embodied relationships and stakes out thoughtful positions without a trace of snark or smugness. I found myself wondering if anyone formed (in the slightest) by Twitter and social media would be capable of writing this sort of book (or living this sort of life).

This review of Alienated America, by Timothy Carney. It sounds like a really worthwhile book (Goodreads).


"Social media is a contempt machine," says Arthur Brooks (listen). He wrote a book called Love Your Enemies. The conversation is all about choosing to be less contemptuous. Novel idea.

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