Sunday, October 6, 2019

3 things

Pornography is as much a symptom of laziness as it is of lust. So says Richard Beck, and my own experience confirms that.

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Apropos of which: 8 Marks of a Sluggard.

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7 Key Concept for Biblical Preaching I'm particularly gratified for #5 on this list, "remember Biblical theology." Drawing from the work of the great Graeme Goldsworthy:
Goldsworthy reminds preachers that the Kingdom of God is the unifying theme of Scripture. He describes the Kingdom through the schema of God-People-Place: (1) God as Lord, (2) his People present before him as willing and loving subjects, (3) living in the Place he created for them. Gospel preachers, therefore, must always exposit their text in light of the overarching biblical story.

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