Monday, October 14, 2019

Out of the Arena

I don't see any good coming out of the next election.

All foreseeable outcomes of the coming election seem to me to be disastrous. The extreme leftward movement of all the Democratic candidates bodes nothing well. 

The re-election of Trump, on the other hand, takes the country down a dark road.

Dreher asks, What is wrong with this country? It's a good question.

Now, clearly, I'm not going to vote in the next presidential election. I'm out. I know all the arguments for voting for the lesser evil, but what do you do when you can't tell which is less evil. Or when the degree of evil is so deep on both sides, speculating about which is less is in itself immoral.

For me personally, it is a time to watch and pray. Such a statement implies a sort of withdrawal, a pulling back. If TR prided himself as "a man in the arena," taking up the fight, well then I am no TR! I am more like someone choosing a Benedict Option-like retrenchment. Maybe it's time I read that book.

What does it mean to stand for truth and beauty in a world gone mad? It means you will be considered the mad one, perhaps. Or merely irrelevant and trivial.

Imagine a man who came back from the war (whatever war, maybe even "the good war") and all he knew to do each morning was to row out to the center of a quiet lake and watch the sun come up. 

In other words, the real battle to save the world, or to salvage the good, the true, and the beautiful, begins in one's own heart.

What steps do you need to take in order to position yourself for that battle? What weapons do you need to fight that battle? And what weapons that you picked up for some other battle do you need to put down, and perhaps even ask forgiveness for ever wielding them at all?

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