Tuesday, December 31, 2019

An End-of-the-Year Post

The year is ending with a "snow event" in my neck of the woods. There's about a foot on the ground and now freezing rain is pelting down to give it all a nice icy crust.

In the history of blogging the last day of the year is always reserved for "Best of" lists and resolutions for the coming annum. I've got no best of the year lists to offer, but I guess I do have a few resolutions.

One of them, I want to keep going with this blog. I want to keep trying to write something reasonably intelligent every day (which of course will translate to, at best, almost every day). These posts will no doubt continue to focus on matters of faith, on books and reading, and perhaps a little music here and there.

And speaking of books:

Yesterday I started reading John Fea's Believe Me: The Evangelical Road to Donald Trump.

The large book that I'm slowly reading through and that will take me another 6 months to finish: In Mortal Combat: Korea 1950-1953

Another book I've been reading slowly but will get at once I'm done with the Fea book: Ron Sider's If Jesus is Lord: Loving Our Enemies in an Age of Violence.

And in fulfillment of my goal to read a 19th-century classic in the coming year, I recently started reading Thackeray's Vanity Fair. This one really catches you up quickly. It's far more readable than I expected, with fascinating character-portraits. The theme of gratitude, or the lack thereof, seems to come up often in the early pages.

How about an end-of-the-year song to finish:

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