Monday, December 16, 2019

An Upward Call

Evening post, which may turn out to be the standard practice on weekdays. Remember, my goal here is to say something worthwhile on the blog every day.

But today?

Today, perhaps foolishly, I got involved in a Facebook comment thread on the subject of the Japanese internment in WWII. Some people, including myself, said it was a shameful episode in American history. Others defended it as necessary. Most of this latter group resorted quickly to vile namecalling and the worst kind of invectives. The milder ones just called anyone who disagreed with them stupid, which of course is always helpful.

I responded to a few of these, trying to keep things rational and give a reasonable defense of my position, but I quickly realized it was no use. Perhaps I was trying to "answer a fool according to his folly," as Proverbs 26:4 says, but then I've never been quite sure what that meant. Never do that, the Proverb says, "Lest you be like one yourself." I did feel like a fool for bothering, for even trying.

And so we come to the end of a Monday.

I would like to be able to say it was memorable for some other reason than some garbage-time on Facebook. Oh well. I know that the Lord is patient with us all. For this mercy I am truly grateful. His is an upward call. To me, as to all believers, he says what he said to Peter at the end: "As for you, follow me."

I want to be able to say, toward the finish of each day, that in some identifiable way I have done so. I have followed Jesus. Most day I feel it is not really so.

But tomorrow? What about tomorrow?

Guide me, Holy Spirit.

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