Friday, December 20, 2019

Bob's Occasional Political Pontifications

Well, the impeachment thing happened. Sort of.

Although I don't plan to get political here often, politics is in the air, so let me clarify my own thoughts to myself on this matter.
  1. Yes, I think the impeachment report of the House Judiciary Committee makes a fair case.
  2. But it was neither crucial to the nation nor politically expedient that the Democrats make their case in this precise form (that is, in the form of impeachment).
  3. They believe that even a failed attempt to remove the president from office will help their party's nominee in the coming election. This may be a colossal error in political judgment. 
  4. The Democrats seem terminally incapable of making a sound and appropriate case against Trump. In other words, they are too dependent on a bogus investigation (Mueller), sky-is-falling hyperbole (symptomatic of the age in which we live), and a far-left economic and social agenda.
  5. All of which points to the poor slate of candidates for president on their side. I may be wrong, but I think they are playing their 2020 hand very poorly. 

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