Friday, January 17, 2020

On the Christian's Mission

In my daily devotional today the author talks about Joseph being God's man. God was always on his mind, always in his speech. Joseph was ever aware of God's presence and God's guidance, God's will.

I am not like that. Not in my conversation, not on my Facebook feed, not even in my thoughts.

Paul advised, "set your hearts on things above." [Col. 3:1] He did not mean, do this once in a while, each morning over your coffee. And he also didn't mean, I feel certain, to never think of worldly things. What he meant, I believe, was that we should think of them from a heavenly perspective. One might also say an eternal perspective or a kingdom perspective. We should see the present in light of the future. We should see our current circumstances in the light of the mission that God has given us and the help he has provided in the form of the Holy Spirit.

All this is easier said than done. Mostly I walk through life a prey to the immediate. As I look toward the coming year I want to always remember that as a Christian, like every other Christian, I am a man with a mission, a calling to represent Jesus forthrightly in my corner of the world. I want to pursue that mission with thoughtfulness, prayer, and a sensitivity to the Spirit's leading.

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