Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Electioneering as Spectacle

I have been watching elections since 1968. I enjoy the process in much the same way I enjoy the NFL. It's a spectator sport for me, a fascinating display, a rip-roaring spectacle. Unlike many of my acquaintances on both the left and the right, I don't believe the fate of the world hangs in the balance in this election or any (though I could be wrong!). In other words, while I love the game, I don't lose any sleep over who wins and who loses.

Now, I don't have a dog in the current fight. I would never vote for any of the Dems, and I will never vote for Donald Trump, so my interest is purely that of a fascinated bystander. Now that the NH primary is over, it's particularly interesting because the field has not "winnowed" much. Bernie, Pete, Amy (surprise!), and Joe are still in it, Liz hangs on by her fingertips, and filthy-rich Mike is waiting in the wings. This is getting curiouser and curiouser!

If you want a good summary of the horse-race so far, Chaos Reigns from The Bulwark is pretty good.

If you want something deeper, something broadly philosophical about faith and politics, Babylon is Falling from the Catholic journal, Crisis, is also excellent.

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