Thursday, February 6, 2020

Political Potpourri

Boy we really do live in crazy times.

Now that the impeachment fiasco is over I'm ready for the next political crisis/spectacle. The folks behind the curtain will be sure to gin something up, and boy, it's gonna be good!

I like this take on the recent impeachment fight: Cheer up! Impeachment worked the way it was supposed to.

Have you ever seen such a reveling in disdain as the Rightward Interweb's response to Mitt Romney's impeachment vote? I mean, they're so affronted that he didn't stick with the party-line, you'd almost think that "the party-line" was sacredly inscribed in the constitution or something. Somebody tells those folks they've won. They really don't have to be so touchy about absolutely everything!

So then we had the brag-fest known as the SOTU address. I haven't watched one of these in years (somewhere back in the early days of GWB was my last one), but I still read about them afterwards. [Hey, did you know "afterwards" was not a word? Grammarly kindly suggests I drop the s. No deal.]

Anyway, this one sounds to have been the ultimate reality show! You were either greatly inspired or greatly disgusted, depending on your political leanings. A bunch of it seems to have been a version of the king-bestowing-gifts motif! The little people are all awed and grateful for his largesse.

Then of course Nancy Pelosi ripped up the speech. This so upstaged all the president's bragging, becoming the lead story in media reports, that the president's blogging minions went all apoplectic with rage. You'd think she was tearing up the Bill of Rights or something! The word-of-choice here has been "puerile." Nancy was "puerile." This coming from the defenders of King Trump, which is rib-splittingly funny.

And finally, there was the Iowa caucus. Does anyone know who won that thing yet? I keep reading media reports that call it "shambolic." that's one of those words that I kind of knew what it meant but looked it up to see for sure that I wasn't misunderstanding it. "Disorderly, chaotic, mismanaged." So, very much in line with the nature of American politics generally, right?

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