Tuesday, September 1, 2020

63 Days and Counting

 It seems that the Trump campaign is succeeding in making this election be about law & order. They see that as an issue that will resonate with voters and sway the undecided ones, and they may be right. This morning the RCP Polling Average gives Biden a 6.2% lead in the overall vote, which is down from 6.9% last week.

The Republicans will hammer the narrative that a vote for Biden will usher in a dark dystopian future, while the Democrats have been saying that the dystopia has already begun, because of Trump, and it will only get worse if he is reelected. What is missing in much of this is solid ground. Both narratives are fantasies, dreamscapes concocted for political purposes. Not that there isn't some truth there (all nightmares have their roots in genuine worry), but you have no sense that there is a limit to each party's negative hyperbole about the other. In other words, they will say anything. They are not going to let truth limit them, nor even rationality. 


Did Biden Fumble?

Unwitting Progressives for Trump

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