Sunday, April 23, 2023

On renewing A Stranger Here

 A cool morning with rain in the forecast here on the shoreline of the North Atlantic. 

I'm sitting here thinking, as I often do, about reactivating this blog. You know, posting to its frequently. Keeping us a sort of running commentary and banter, just like the old days of blogging.

Of course blogging is dead or nearly so. I was never one of the big-boys in that world. At the height I was getting about a hundred hits per day. Peanuts. It didn't help that I kept changing my blog's title and address, searching for the perfect moniker I guess. I was Mr. Standfast, then Gratitude & Hoopla (I still like that name).

I never attempted to monetize my blogging. I was just another lone voice, like many other bloggers, and in  time I began to wonder (like many in my own circle), what's the point?

These days I keep this blog alive and occasionally post to it. But the idea of it still keeps sneaking up behind me and tapping me on the shoulder as if to say, remember me?

So here's a thought. How about a start it up again. You know, posting every day. But what's the topic? Well, same as before. Random thoughts on the Bible, etc. Sure, I have no readers, but I'll post it to Twitter and Facebook and hope some, a few at least, keep checking back.

But again, what's the point

It's still a good question and it's still one I haven't got a really good answer for. But I'm reaching a kind of crossroads in my life in the form of retirement. And I'm wondering, in this context of retirement, how then shall I live?

So maybe I'll investigate that. The answer, I think, will have something to do with Jesus, and the good news about him, and what it means to be a Jesus-follower in the particularities of this place and moment. I think finishing well is going to be one my themes.

I'll start there. I'll see about coming back here often, establishing a pattern. I'll see where it leads. Maybe I'm just a maundering old man, but hey, old men gotta maunder.

It's been called A Stranger Here for a long time, through years of relative inactivity. I'm still content with that name, because it nails how I often feel. I'm going to try to not be a stranger here at A Stranger Here.

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