I have been officially retired now for a few weeks. One of the things I like about retirement is doing chores like lawn-mowing when they need to be done, not having to wait till the weekend. I'm enjoying yardwork and gardening, bike rides and walks, cooking, and of course plenty of reading.
Besides a couple of quick trips to see family it has been a quiet retirement so far. I expect this thing to unfold slowly and gradually as a I move from R&R into a more mission-minded approach.
The mission I speak of could be any number of things of course--write that novel, bike across country, build a bomb-shelter in the back yard--but I'm thinking more along the lines of my mission as a Christ follower, a disciple.
What do disciples do? They learn from their Teacher and follow his instructions. Right now I'm in the learning--or better, re-learning--phase. There have been a lot of distractions in recent years--oh, come off it, there are always a lot of distractions--and my hope is to shed some of these, and to focus on the Teacher himself, Jesus. That's why I'm journaling through the Gospel of Mark, for instance. Let's get back on track!
With that in mind, I recently purchased Scot McKnight's Revelation for the Rest of Us: A Prophetic Call to Follow Jesus as a Dissident Disciple. I'll be reporting back on that one soon.
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