Books I'm Reading
Dominon: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World, by Tom Holland
Parable of the Sower, by Octavia E. Butler
I'm nearing the end of both of these and would like to finish them this week, making room for some of the other books waiting in the wings.
Books I've (perhaps foolishly) Just Started Reading
Conscientious Objections, by Neil Postman
Mere Christianity, by C. S. Lewis
Revelation for the Rest of Us, by Scot McKnight
The first of these has been on my shelf for a few years (a pick-up from a Little Free Library). I'm on a mission to read these books that have been waiting for ages to be read, so this one is up next. And of course Postman is always engaging and thought-provoking.
As for Mere Christianity, this will be my third read (at least), but my first in many years. This book and others by Lewis was helpful to me in the years before I came to faith. Now my church men's group has asked me to give a presentation on Lewis next month, so I'm hoping to read this and The Screwtape Letters in the meantime.
And then there's the McKnight book. I'll be taking my time with that one. One chapter every now and then.
Books I Intend to Read as soon as I Get a Chance
A Swim in a Pond in the Rain, by George Saunders
Ethics, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The first was a gift. It's an appreciation of some of the great 19th century Russian short stories, so it looks like I will be reading some of those as well. We're talking Turgenev, Gogol, Tolstoy, Chekov.
As for Bonhoeffer's Ethics, well, Christian ethics or Christian moral philosophy is something I've been
wanting to get into. I'm hoping this will be the first of a series on that subject.
A Book I'll Be Reading for the Foreseeable Future
A New Testament Biblical Theology, by G. K. Beale
A little bit before bed each night. It's gonna take me years to finish this beast!
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