Monday, July 31, 2023

We live in a dangerous times

 Beware the despotic.

Beware the crass and the brutal, the anger-driven, the scoffer.

Beware above all the absence of grace, replaced by name-calling and hate-mongering.

Have fear for your nation when these traits begin to blossom into movements with leaders and followers. Leaders who can do no wrong, followers who hear no evil.

Beware reviling speech, shouted from dais or pulpit, and beware the crowd that cheers it on.

Beware lies, and especially their thoughtless repetition.

Have nothing to do with unreasoning spite, with paranoid fantasies, or with power-seeking ranters who use these things to groom a loyal, unquestioning mob.

Beware the mob. Beware when its self-serving leader stoke it to a dangerous frenzy.

Stay clear. Instead, look always for the gifts of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control. And if you see a loved once treading the broad and lethal way of the mob, try to draw them back with love and tenderness.

For we live in dangerous times.

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