It is easy enough for all this talk about virtue and about "the good life" to devolve into mere moralism. To be moralistic is to focus on morals, on goodness, apart from the One who is good. In the wider culture, moralism is deservedly despised, though not always for the right reasons.
But the Christian pursues virtue as a Christian. It is a Godward pursuit, with Christ going before us and the Spirit strengthening and enlightening along the way.
If Jesus, who in his earthly ministry embodied all the virtues, is not in view when we talk about virtue, then we are bound to drift into moralism.
So then the pursuit of virtue is the pursuit of God, and will always resemble David's way: "Create in me a clean heart, Oh God." As such, it is a way of humility, a way of trust in God. Always we are falling short, always we are lacking faith, and always we ought to be praying, "Lord, I believe, but help my unbelief."
But we should never stop pursuing it. The life in Christ is a life on the way. We know our destination, and we know that he who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. Nothing can separate us from the Love of God in Christ Jesus.
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